Program Information

The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind.
—Maria Montessori.

Montessori education helps build the everlasting foundation that is the basis for all life experiences. The emphasis on education of character yields qualities like independence, responsibility, attentiveness, curiosity, perseverance, and love of learning.

Our role in a Montessori environment is to be the link that connects the child to the material. The child has immense capabilities of learning, unaided by external factors. He needs only the right tools with which to begin his discoveries.

Hours of Operation

7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Arrangements for care out of those hours may be discussed with Casita de Montessori owner and operator, Ana Rivas.


Infant Program:

currently closed

Toddler/Preschool Program:

Full-Time (7:30 am to 5:30 pm): $275/week
Part-Time (7:30 am to 12:30 pm OR 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm): $175/week
Before and after hour care to be discussed with Ana Rivas.

Enrollment Fees and Registration Deposits:

Enrollment Fee (one time): $25/family
Deposit: Two weeks of tuition.


Breakfast: $3/meal
Lunch: $5/meal

Daily Schedule

Infant Program

We follow an individualized plan of care for each infant.

Toddler/Preschool Program

7:30 - 8:30 arrivals, greetings, preparation for the day
8:30 - 11:00 work period *
11:00 - 12:00 lunch preparation and lunch
12:00 - 12:45 outdoor work and exercise
12:45 - 1:00 clean-up and preparation for resting
1:00 - 3:00 rest period** second work period for non-napping children***
3:00 - 3:30 quiet activity and transition out of nap
3:30 - 4:00 snack and clean-up
4:00 - 5:00 outdoor work and exercise
5:00 - 5:30 indoor activity

*uninterrupted time for Montessori lessons, snack is available during this time, group lessons and activities as needed
**all children under the age of four will be encouraged to sleep
***advanced academic work continues during the afternoon work period for non-napping children over four years old

Snacks and Meals / Nutrition


A nutritious and, as much as possible, organic snack will be provided by Casita de Montessori in the morning and in the afternoon.


Parents are expected to pack a nutritiously balanced meal for their child. A nutritious and, as much as possible, organic lunch may be provided by Casita de Montessori for an additional fee due along with the tuition the Friday before the week’s attendance. 

No artificially sweetened drinks are allowed in the environment. No overly salty and overly sweet foods are allowed in the environment (examples: chips, cookies, fruit gummies, fruit wraps/leather ). Please limit artificial flavors. Casita de Montessori believes in the importance of creating healthy eating habits early in life.

All Infant Program food must be labeled with your child’s name and the date. All food containers must be picked up at the end of the day.

Toilet Education/Bodily Function Awareness

Using cloth underwear is highly recommended from walking age. The transition from diaper to cloth underwear will be discussed with the parents. Toilet practice begins in the Infant Program and continues in the Toddler/Preschool Program. Toileting times are approximately every hour until the child can master this skill. Casita de Montessori is prepared to handle “misses” with patience, encouragement, and most importantly, respect for the child’s natural development of bodily function awareness. Diaper checks in the Infant Program occur every hour.


Casita de Montessori practices the Montessori principals of educating children through the use of materials designed from scientific research on thousands of children from all around the world. Because we are a home based program, we exemplify one of the most important characteristics of the Montessori philosophy: children learn from their observations of each other and, therefore, benefit from an environment that allows diverse ages to come together to collaborate.

Children at Casita de Montessori have tangible experiences that satisfy skills necessary for the present, and concurrently, indirectly build the foundation for future concepts and abilities. Each area of the environment coexists harmoniously with the next satisfying a wide range of learning abilities. Activities and material overlap between the Infant and Toddler/Primary Programs to support all levels of skill at every age.

In a Montessori program, the child is free to choose which material sparks his interest. Through careful observation of the child and his activities the Montessori guide will assess his progress and work towards enticing the child with all the aspects of the environment from which he can benefit at his stage.

Activities of the Curriculum

Practical Life
life skills like setting the table, washing dishes, gardening, preparing foods, grooming, polishing…

refinement of the senses, eye-hand coordination, fine and gross motor development, and interpretation of sensory stimuli.

vocabulary enrichment, concrete to abstract representation, phonics, reading, and word building.

Grace and Courtesy
analysis of movement, courtesy phrases, social behavior like shaking hands, pushing in chairs, waiting a turn, holding a door open…

Social Studies
multicultural awareness, calendar, seasons, and the arts.

Nature Study
botany (parts of the plant and basic structure), zoology, practical skills in the care of plants and animals.

numeration, linear counting, mathematical concepts like quantity, fractions, sorting…

strength and coordination of all large muscles.